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Forum Posts

Apr 10, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
The website is long gone as a booklet. To keep up with the competition, you need to have a more relevant website. If you just give people something to look at and there is no way to take meaningful action, they will watch and leave without building the lasting bond you want them to have. Asking website visitors to fill out contact forms is one way to risk it - 67% of visitors don’t fill them out. You add a layer of conflict between His intentions and getting what He wants. Nowadays, people want instant gratification-don’t fill out tedious contact forms and wait patiently for answers. An informational website is good, but what you really want is a transactional one that carries your line. It won’t open a store where whatsapp phone number list customers need to wait several days before actually buying a product. And you shouldn’t run a website the same way either. Your company website is not there to be beautiful. You should be a fundamental part of your monetization strategy, and there are tools that can be used to help you do that with minimal effort. Here are three ways to optimize a business website to turn it from informative to transactional. Consulting Sessions sells live There is no need to spend time on email marketing if you want to sell your time on the Internet. The dances of potential customers who need to fill out your form and wait for you to announce your presence should be a thing of the past. Can you blame them if they look at your competitors and book with them rather than because of their process?
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